5 Signs You Need Addesu

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- Reading time: 6 minutes
There’s a lack of transparency within your marketing team/agency/freelancer:
Hiring a specialist marketing agency or freelancer seems like the perfect solution to kickstart your company’s marketing efforts, whether by enhancing performance or by launching new campaigns. Despite this, marketing executives remain at the top of the list of least trusted professions. Typically, this is a function of an information gap leading to agencies/specialists spending their time answering questions, rather than delivering on the desired outcomes.
How does Addesu solve this?
Your existing supplier (whether that be your marketing team/agency or freelancer) connects your ad accounts (Google, Microsoft and/or Meta) directly into Addesu. Our system automatically monitors activity, providing proactive ways to enhance performance. We take the weight off agencies’ shoulders by supporting them with questions and reporting requirements. This means agencies get time back to focus on what they do best, driving performance. With everyone happy, partnerships will prosper.
Example monitoring & reporting outputs include finding product/keyword gaps in Search campaigns, highlighting demographics or geos you might be under-indexing in, channels that could offer growth opportunities, and much more.
You’re pushed towards working with one agency for all of your channels:
Companies tend to lean towards working with one generalist agency rather than multiple specialists as it can streamline the contracting, invoicing, and management processes. This is despite the often improved performance gained by using dedicated specialists for different sectors, channels, geos, languages & more.
How does Addesu solve this?
The Addesu app connects you to trusted marketing professionals in various specialities, allowing you to try out different specialists and channels that fit your changing needs. Addesu can even connect you with bilingual specialists for international campaigns, who can work with your existing team for the duration of the campaign or for as long as you desire. Addesu works under one contract and one invoice across multiple suppliers to simplify operational management, whilst our monitoring solutions allow a few internal stakeholders to manage multiple external partners.
You want to test new markets, channels or platforms for your company, but you’re wary of entering into long-term contracts:
It can be frustrating when contractors/freelancers/agencies require year-long contracts without a trial period or safeguards to protect you if you want to opt-out. This can put brands off testing new areas, or lead to it being run in-house by overworked & undertrained teams.
How does Addesu solve this? Addesu will help connect you to trusted marketing specialists via our Addesu app, giving you the flexibility to test external support without committing to long-term contracts as well as set-up fees. We operate from as little as a 7-day notice period, and can support with moving between different suppliers where required. Your brand is running Affiliate Paid Search and/or CSS via an Affiliate Network: The affiliate networks’ current system only provides basic reporting for Paid Search and CSS activity, which makes it difficult to gain actionable insights and track incremental performance. Attribution is also separate from any in-house activity, leading to issues such as double counting of sales and uncertainty over campaign overlap. How does Addesu solve this? Brand side: Connecting into your internal analytics platform (e.g Google Analytics) for attribution that matches your internal reporting. Providing automated monitoring & detailed reporting to give you the insights you need into activity. and to align results with data internally. Publisher side: Connecting to Google Ads and/or other ad accounts to show growth opportunities for campaigns, as well as a more simple attribution process that aligns better with your clients. You’re an Affiliate Agency that is struggling to provide enough insight into your clients’ CSS and Affiliate Search activity: Brands may run their CSS and affiliate search activity separately from the Affiliate Agency due to limitations in Affiliate Network reporting & insights, as well as a lack of internal expertise. This can consequently limit the scope of the agency’s remit. How does Addesu solve this? By directly connecting to Google Analytics & the ad platforms, Addesu offers valuable insights and accurate reporting for CSS & Affiliate Search. We monitor for improvement opportunities and will flag them to you, so you can pass them onto your client & publishers. Convinced? Contact us today for a free one-month trial of Addesu!